What Do Squirrels Eat? A Complete Guide to Squirrel Diets
Squirrels are fascinating creatures, and understanding their diet can offer valuable insight into their behavior and survival strategies. Whether you’re a wildlife enthusiast, a gardener, or just curious about what squirrels eat, this comprehensive guide will answer all your questions. From what squirrels eat in the wild to what they like to munch on in urban settings, we’ve got it all covered.
Squirrels are not just cute little critters; they play an important role in the ecosystems they inhabit. These rodents are often seen darting through trees or foraging in parks and gardens. But what do squirrels actually eat?
This article will explore the diets of different squirrel species, their eating habits throughout the year, and what to feed them if you’re looking to provide food for these adorable creatures. Whether you’re asking “what do squirrels eat in the wild?”, “what do squirrels eat besides nuts?”, or “what do squirrels eat in winter?”, we’ve got the answers you need.

What Do Wild Squirrels Eat?
Wild squirrels primarily consume a diet of plant-based foods. They are known for eating a variety of nuts, seeds, fruits, and plants. The most common foods include:
- Acorns: One of the most essential foods for squirrels, especially in colder months.
- Nuts: Squirrels enjoy a variety of nuts such as walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts.
- Seeds: Squirrels are known to raid bird feeders, often stealing seeds like sunflower seeds.
- Fruits: Apples, berries, and even melons are part of their diet when available.
- Plants and Vegetation: Squirrels may also munch on leaves, flowers, and fungi, particularly when their usual food sources are scarce.
Squirrels are opportunistic feeders, so they adapt to their environment and eat what’s available, whether in urban or wild habitats.
For more information on the foods squirrels eat, you can visit sources like Love the Garden and Wikipedia on Squirrels.
What Do Squirrels Like to Eat?
Squirrels are known for their love of nuts, especially acorns. However, they have a wide-ranging palate. Here are some of their favorite foods:
- Acorns: A staple food that provides both nourishment and energy.
- Sunflower Seeds: Squirrels are particularly fond of these seeds and can often be found raiding bird feeders for them.
- Berries and Fruits: Strawberries, apples, and grapes are high on a squirrel’s list of preferred foods.
- Corn: Squirrels will also nibble on corn if they can find it, especially when it’s left out in the open.
Squirrels are opportunistic eaters, so they’ll eat what’s readily available and convenient for them. This is why they are often seen in gardens or around human settlements, where they can easily find food sources like seeds, fruits, and even leftover food.

What Do Squirrels Eat in Different Seasons?
Winter Diet
During the winter months, squirrels’ food sources become more limited. To prepare for this, squirrels store food in the fall by burying acorns, nuts, and seeds in the ground. These food caches are then dug up during the colder months to sustain them.
In the wild, squirrels rely heavily on the food they’ve hidden during fall. They may also eat tree bark and fungi to survive in harsh conditions. Winter is a tough season for squirrels, and they need to rely on their stores of food to get through the cold months.
Summer and Spring Diet
In the warmer months, squirrels enjoy a more diverse diet. They have access to fresh fruits, seeds, and green vegetation. Some of their favorite foods in the summer and spring include:
- Berries: Strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries.
- Fresh Nuts: Walnuts, hazelnuts, and other freshly fallen nuts.
- Vegetables: Squirrels may also consume leaves, flowers, and even vegetables from gardens.
During these seasons, squirrels are less reliant on stored food, as the natural environment provides plenty of fresh options. This is the time of year when squirrels are most active and foraging for food.

What Do Baby Squirrels Eat?
Baby squirrels, or “kits,” have different nutritional needs compared to adult squirrels. While adult squirrels are often seen munching on nuts and seeds, baby squirrels rely on their mother’s milk in the first few weeks of life.
As they grow, they begin to eat solid foods, starting with softer foods like:
- Fruits: Apples, berries, and other soft fruits are easy for baby squirrels to eat.
- Nuts: Once they are older, baby squirrels start eating small pieces of nuts like walnuts and hazelnuts.
Baby squirrels gradually transition from milk to a solid food diet as they mature. If you find a baby squirrel and need to care for it, you can feed it specially designed squirrel milk replacer until it’s ready for solid foods.
What Do Squirrels Eat from Bird Feeders?
Bird feeders are a common source of food for squirrels, and they often raid these feeders to steal sunflower seeds, corn, and other bird feed. Common foods that squirrels eat from bird feeders include:
- Sunflower Seeds: These are high in fat and a favorite snack for squirrels.
- Corn: Both whole corn on the cob and loose kernels are attractive to squirrels.
- Peanuts: Squirrels love peanuts, especially when they’re in the shell.
If you have bird feeders and are finding that squirrels are frequently raiding them, there are ways to keep squirrels out, such as using squirrel-proof feeders or placing the feeders in hard-to-reach areas.
What Foods Are Safe for Squirrels?
If you’re looking to feed squirrels safely, there are many healthy options to choose from:
- Nuts: Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, and peanuts (unsalted).
- Fruits: Apples, grapes, strawberries, and pears.
- Seeds: Sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds.
- Vegetables: Carrots, broccoli, and other fresh veggies.
These foods provide essential nutrients for squirrels, including fats, protein, and vitamins. It’s important to avoid feeding them processed or salty foods, which can be harmful.
Do Squirrels Eat Vegetables or Fruits?
Yes, squirrels do eat vegetables and fruits! These are an important part of their diet, especially in the summer and spring. Some of their favorite fruits and vegetables include:
- Fruits: Apples, berries, peaches, and pears.
- Vegetables: Squirrels will munch on carrots, leafy greens, and other garden vegetables.
Fruits are particularly attractive to squirrels because they provide essential sugars and water during warmer months when food might be harder to find.
Foods to Avoid Feeding Squirrels
While there are many healthy foods for squirrels, there are also some that should be avoided, as they can harm them. Foods to avoid include:
- Processed Foods: Chips, crackers, and junk food should never be fed to squirrels.
- Salted Nuts: Salt can be harmful to squirrels, so avoid feeding them salted peanuts or other salted snacks.
- Chocolate: Like many animals, squirrels cannot digest chocolate, and it can be toxic to them.
It’s important to ensure that any food you provide to squirrels is safe and nutritious, so always avoid the foods listed above.

The Role of Nuts in Squirrel Diets
Nuts are the cornerstone of a squirrel’s diet, particularly acorns. These foods are packed with fats and proteins, which are essential for squirrels’ energy and survival. Nuts like walnuts, hazelnuts, and almonds are also favored by squirrels.
Acorns, in particular, play a critical role in their winter survival. Squirrels will often spend the fall months collecting and burying acorns to ensure they have food during the cold season.
Squirrel Diet and Human Interaction
Many people are curious about whether squirrels eat food provided by humans. The answer is yes! Squirrels will happily eat food left out for them, whether it’s nuts, seeds, or even fruit. However, it’s important to feed squirrels responsibly. Providing them with unhealthy or processed foods can lead to health problems.
If you want to help squirrels in your backyard, you can leave out unsalted peanuts, sunflower seeds, or fruits like apples and berries.
Understanding what do squirrels eat is essential for anyone interested in these fascinating creatures. By knowing their natural food sources and preferences, you can better appreciate their role in ecosystems and ensure that they stay healthy. If you want to interact with squirrels in a safe and responsible way, focus on providing them with nutritious foods like fruits, nuts, and seeds.
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do squirrels eat insects?
Yes, squirrels will sometimes eat insects, but their diet is primarily plant-based. They may eat insects if they are readily available, especially in the wild.
2. Can squirrels eat peanuts?
Yes, squirrels can eat peanuts, but they should only be fed unsalted peanuts in moderation. Avoid giving them peanuts that are salted or processed.
3. What do squirrels eat in the winter?
Squirrels rely heavily on food they’ve stored in the fall, such as acorns, nuts, and seeds. They may also eat tree bark and fungi when food is scarce.
4. Are sunflower seeds safe for squirrels?
Yes, sunflower seeds are safe and nutritious for squirrels, and they are a favorite food for many.
5. Can squirrels eat chocolate?
No, squirrels should never be given chocolate, as it is toxic to them.
For more information on squirrel diets, visit Squirrel Wikipedia or What Do Squirrels Eat?.